//// handpainted rocks

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

When the clouds are low at the Oregon coast, it's hard to tell where the water ends and the land and sky begin.  There's a timelessness here that draws you in, or maybe it's the lull of the sea. 

I appreciate that all Oregon beaches are public, but my favorite spots along the coast tend to be those that are less populated.  While the kids are playing chase with the tide, I like to casually stroll along the shore and collect little bits of shell, driftwood, and rock.

The brush tray of my easel is home to my collection of rocks.  They are a reminder of the many beautiful places I've seen.  Yesterday, I was inspired to paint on a few of the rocks. 

The handpainted rocks will be available in my Etsy shop soon.  Meanwhile, I would love for you to check out an interview I did for fellow artist and blogger, Ana Pina.  It's the most thorough interview I've done.  Wanna know what makes me cry? Just grab your cup of jo and click here to start reading.

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