Giveaway to celebrate 500 blog posts

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

I've been toiling over what to write for my 500th blog post.  An expository on the Higgs Boson particle, perhaps?  Already bored.  How about the recent vandalism of a Picasso painting? Maybe another time.  Holmes and Cruise divorce?  Let's move on, shall we.    

To be completely frank, it's absolutely stunning outside, and I think I'd rather enjoy the rare Oregon sun than expound on the meaning of life in post #500.  So I've decided to throw a giveaway instead.  Yeah, for free art!

I'm giving away a $50 gift card to my Etsy shop.  All you have to do is leave a comment below, and I'll randomly choose a winner on Monday, July 16th at noon.

Thanks to all my loyal readers for following me these past three years!  Here's to 500 more : )

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Thanks everyone for all the wonderful comments.

No. 10 is the lucky winner, so congratulations to Caitlin!

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