waterfalls, sunsets, and the high desert

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Portland transplants complain about the gray skies, but I don't mind so much.  The gray, after all, is what makes it so green here.  Living in western Oregon, you quickly learn that activities can't be planned around good weather (i.e. predictable weather).  Otherwise you'd rarely get out of the house!

Yesterday, we took a trip to Silver Falls State Park, which is about an hour's drive from Portland. The forecast was rain with thunderstorms.  With five kids in tow, I figure all the rain would just add to the adventure.

Silver Falls is the largest of all of Oregon's state parks.  There are trails for hikers, horses, and bicycles.  Our crew was committed to hiking the five mile loop that leads visitors past seven waterfalls (there are a total of ten waterfalls at the park).  For many hikers, the highlight of the trail is when it winds behind two waterfalls.  In one of the photos above, you can see the kids reaching out to the cascading water. 

The sun decided to show itself the last 30 minutes of our stay at the park- just enough time for our girls and their friends to wade in the stream and for me to soak up some vitamin D. It's actually been quite damp in the valley the past week, but the wet summer weather has made for some spectacular rainbows and sunsets. 

At my home studio, drier climate has been my inspiration.  My latest art work is called high desert. It's currently available here.

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