summer hike

Monday, June 18, 2012

My memories of summer vacations as a kid usually entail road trips
to national parks with my aunt, uncle, and cousins.  We have been to at least nine national parks together,
including Glacier, Yellowstone, Yosemite, and Mesa Verde.  This photo of me was taken over 25 years ago in Grand Canyon National Park.  (I'll be the
first to admit that nothing says awkward more than a middle school

We hiked to the bottom of the canyon that day and saw an
amazing electrical storm at night.  I have countless memories like these spending my summers out in nature. 
Sure, I can also recount the long, hot car rides and gagging on cornmeal mush for breakfast.  But, that's all part of great summer adventures. 

Now that school is out, I want our girls to spend their summer
out-of-doors as much as possible.  We already have eight mini trips
planned, including one to Olympic National Park.  The reality is, I need
this time in nature just as much as the kids.  After a crazy busy year
of life in general, I need some open space to reflect, breathe, and be

new work: summer hike

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