Turning forty

Thursday, March 29, 2012

I'm officially four decades old today.  According to my daughters, I've graduated from being old to really old.  I don't usually give much thought to aging, but this birthday has been a little different.  After all, I can remember my mother at this age, and I swear the gray hairs and wrinkles are multiplying at an accelerated rate this week.

It's also strange to think that I've outlived famous people like Marilyn Monroe, Vincent Van Gogh, Bruce Lee, Mozart, and Martin Luther King.  Their lives are forever immortalized in museums, film, and books.  Not that I'm striving to be famous, but it does make me think about my own legacy.  What does the last 20 years have to say about me, and what do I want the next 20 years to look like?

As I turn forty, I realize my life is shifting gears from chasing to slowing down- which is a very good thing.  I still have big dreams, but more than ever, I feel content with where I'm at.  Thus, no big party or hoopla for my birthday.  Just a quiet day at home . . . and maybe a couple of salted caramels to celebrate. 

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