My week

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Painted these for my daughter who turned 12 this week.  On the day of her birthday, my husband and I chaperoned a class field trip to OMSI [Oregon Museum of Science and Industry] where the featured exhibit is Body Worlds.  My group was ready to move on after 20 minutes, which speaks more to the attention span of adolescents than the exhibition.

My dear friends brought back for me some anchovy stuffed olives from Spain.  I'm already on my second can today. 

I shipped off some of my original works and prints to a boutique in Beacon, New
York called Blackbird Attic.  I'm the featured artist at the shop from March 10 - April
13.  Wish I could follow my works to New York, but that'll have to wait
for another time. 

Here are two new originals that will be part of the show:

night journey and mountain glow, 2012.

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