my week

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

It snowed overnight in Portland.  I guess Punxsutawney Phil was right after all. 

Another outing with my daughter's third grade class.  We took public transit to the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall in downtown Portland.  You really can't miss the 65 ft sign out front with over 6000 lights.  The 1928 concert hall is home to the Oregon Symphony. On Friday, the symphony performed a concert for students in the Portland area.  These special concerts have been a longstanding tradition for the Oregon Symphony.  I remember going to them as a young school girl! 

I went to see renown makeup artist Bobbi Brown speak at my alma mater.  She shared her story and gave some practical tips to entrepreneurs starting out.  About 95 percent of the audience were women.  I guess that shouldn't surprise me, especially since there were free makeup samples.  

During the Q and A session, Bobbi talked about persistence.  She mentioned working for a company for free if that means getting your foot in the door.  I wholeheartedly agree with this, and this is actually how I got my teaching job.  I volunteered at the neighborhood high school, and after a few weeks, I had an interview with the principal. 

Our new pet.  He's a beauty.  My eight year-old named him Leonardo DiCaprio. 

Here's a sneak peek of my current piece about half-way finished.  Mountains are a favorite subject of mine, but I've been wanting a change of scenery.  So a night forest scene it is. 

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Just in case you didn't catch the little promo box in the sidebar, I am running an art print sale in my Etsy shop.  Buy two prints and get a third free.  [Sale ends this Thursday.] For more details, go here

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