my phone talks to me!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I like gadgets even more than my husband does.  I was bummed in middle school when I couldn't get into Shop class, and I was always a tad envious of A.V. kids getting to wind film onto a reel.  I did take Home Economics, however, and I learned how to make a pencil pouch with a sewing machine. 

Two weeks ago, my husband surprised me with a new gadget- the iphone 4s.  I have been secretly eyeing it since it came out in October, but I was trying to be practical and show a little self-restraint.  Of course, once I had the phone in my hand, all that went out the door.

The coolest function of the phone is Siri, the voice activated application that helps you send messages, make phone calls, and set reminders.  Definitely a handy tool when running errands.  The newer iphone also allows me to process credit card transactions using the Square app.  The little reader just plugs in at the top and you just slide the card through.  Perfect for art events!

Seeing that I needed a new case for the phone,  I ended up creating my own design with Uncommon.  It's as simple as downloading an image and reconfiguring the design in a template.  I came up with four designs.  

An Uncommon case is where art meets function.  I received my personalized crater case last week, and I am really pleased with how it turned out, particularly with the color matching. I will say that the shiny plastic seems to scratch easily and a white trim option would be a nice addition.  But these minor details won't keep me from placing another order in the future.  

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I want to remind those in the Portland area of my artist reception at Prana this Thursday night.  My latest paintings will be on display.  Hope to see you there!

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