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Thursday, January 19, 2012

via Jill Bliss

Cabin Porn.  It's basically crack for cabin addicts like me.  Thanks, Jill, for getting me hooked.

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via minieco

Handmade Ryan Gosling.  If you're crafty and taken, then both of you will get a good laugh out of this tumblr.  This post in particular hit home . . . um, sorry again, honey, for leaving that pin in the sofa cushion!

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Annekata.  After a five month hiatus, Kathrin is back with more creative and thought-provoking posts.  Truly one of my very favorite blogs.

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In the Make.  Studio visits are up there with cabin porn.  Thankfully I can get my fix every Monday when photographer Klea McKenna and writer Nikki Grattan post their latest interview with a San Francisco-based artist.

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Things Organized Neatly.  Not sure why I like household objects neatly arranged in rows, but I do.  It actually is very pleasing.  Too bad my desk doesn't look anything like this.  (Thanks to reader Falco for the tip!) 

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