"Painting" with reclaimed wood

Thursday, May 6, 2010

photo: Nash Baker        

Brazilian artist Henrique Oliveira creates incredible sculptures out of old wood fences from construction sites.  Shown above is his installation last year at the Rice Gallery in Houston.  It's titled Tapumes, which means "fencing" in Portuguese. 

His three-dimensional works are representational of two-dimensional works.  He forms the wood pieces in his scuptures to look like paint strokes on canvas.  It's brilliant!

Below, I've paired some of his paintings alongside of his three-dimensional pieces.  You can see the similar qualities in movement, tone, and pattern. 

Here are a couple of fascinating videos on Oliveira's sculptural works.  The first video features the artist talking about his art and the fencing material used.  The second video shows the artist installing Tapumes at the Rice Gallery.    

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