Sticker Giveaway

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Today I printed a couple of my smaller drawings on clear sticker paper.  I placed the rose sticker on my laptop and the tree sticker on my work desk.  I tried putting a sticker on cardboard, but it didn't seem to adhere as well.  Now that I have a small pile of stickers leftover, I figure I would let readers figure out other ways of using them. Just leave a comment below, and I'll randomly draw five names on Tuesday, May 25th at 12p PST.  The winners will receive both of the sticker designs shown above.  And because I love giveaways, I'll also throw in a set of postcards.

UPDATE: Thanks to all for such lovely comments! The winners of the Sticker Giveaway are moodymama, Rosemary, Katie, Tina, and Heike.  If you are one of the lucky winners, please email me your mailing address.  My email is catmcmurray[at]  Oh, and I'd love to hear where the stickers end up going!

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