my creative week

Sunday, January 6, 2013

After a two day trip to the mountains in central Oregon, I created this 18" x 24" painting inspired by the Three Sisters.  The three peaks are the main attraction of the 20 mile drive from the charming town of Sisters to the popular recreational destination of Bend, Oregon.  Our family travels often to this area to visit dear friends and to seek a little R & R. 

Although my friend wants this painting for her Sisters home,  it's headed to London! I am honored to be invited back by Lilk Gallery for their upcoming show on Broadway Market.  A few new original works of mine will be part of their group show starting January 21st, including this piece, Pink Moon

For more information on the January show in London, click here.

This weekend, I also have been getting ready for my first Sample Sale on Etsy.  I have a number of near perfect prints and one-of-a-kind works that are just sitting in my studio.  Some of these works were done a few years ago. I've entertained the idea of having an open studio, but I realize many of my followers live outside of Portland.  So an online Sample Sale it is!

The event will start this Tuesday, January 8.  Nothing will be marked over $50, so this is a great opportunity to pick up affordable original art.  The pieces below are priced between $24 - $40.

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