be my valentine

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

I may not be much of a romantic, but I do look forward to going on dates with my husband.  One of my fondest memories out together was on Valentine's Day.  My husband was actually out of town that week, and I was invited by a few of my high school students to a birthday celebration.  The girls picked me up at my house and we headed to my favorite Mediterranean restaurant.  As we were being seated, the waitress led me to a secluded, candle-lit table for two, and there sat my husband with a single red rose in his hand.  I was surprised to see him there, and by the time I realized the high school girls were all in on it, they were already gone. 

I usually catch on to surprises, but my husband is a well practiced schemer.  It ended up being the perfect evening, definitely one of our best dates.

I'm guessing all the Valentine hype (thanks, Etsy) is making me a little sentimental this week.  So when I sat down at my art desk yesterday, this is what came from it.  I'm calling the new piece, My love for you.  As in, My love for you is a mountainside from that great love song by Little Willie John.  It's currently for sale in my Etsy shop.

The new painting also inspired me to make Valentine cards.

The cards are printed on nice letterpress paper, and there's room to write a sweet note to that special someone.  My girls have already requested several to give to their teachers and friends.

The Valentine cards are just available in my shop thru February 14th.  Click here to see the listing.

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