canning in a heat wave

Friday, August 17, 2012

Most [sane] people seek reprieve from the heat in 100° weather.  I decided to spend it over a hot stove making jam and pickles.  I'm usually the first to complain when it gets over 73°, so I was even surprised by my sudden keenness to can in a heat wave.  But, over-ripened fruit and vegetables is actually a big pet peeve of mine, much more than perspiration.  And, seeing I had plump pickling cucumbers on the vine and a vat of freshly picked berries, I was growing increasingly anxious with each rising degree.  

I had to purchase more jars, and you can say I got a little sidetracked with a couple of art related projects.   I love good food, and I love it even more when it's packaged well.  So, I created decals for the jars and illustrated stickers for the lids.  The decals are famous quotes on food.  The one in the photo reads, One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well, quoting writer Virginia Woolf. 

For the canning lid stickers, I scanned a couple of my illustrations and printed them on glossy label paper.  I was pretty pleased with how they turned out, so I ended up making some more and listing them in my shop.  I'm not planning on going into the sticker business, but I do like the idea of handdrawn art on canning lids.  Maybe I'll be inspired to create a few more designs in my next round of canning. 

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