My Week

Sunday, May 15, 2011

I'm cat sitting for two weeks.  My friends are laughing right now because they know that I'm not much of a cat person, and yet I'm a cat magnet.  In fact, while I'm typing this, one of the cats is resting her head on my arm.  I must smell like cat nip or something.

My friend's cat. I think she's the most handsome cat ever.

Mother's day dinner was at a family favorite in SE Portland.  Coming out of the restaurant,  I noticed the misspelled sign ("delieacy") for the first time.  It made me smile.

My youngest daughter celebrated birthday no. 8.  Lots of girly squeals and laughter as they pretended to be mermaids. 

I finished three wood panel pieces for the July show and added the piece below to my Etsy shop.

Horses in a field
Also, my art and an interview was featured here.  The week before, the featured artist was fellow Portlander Rachel Austin.   

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