New works, "Winter Cabin" and "Skyline"

Sunday, March 27, 2011

My birthday is in a couple of days, and all I want is a good dose of vitamin D via sunlight.  It's officially Spring, but it's been unseasonably cold and wet, even for Portland.  We have yet to hit 60 degrees in the new year, and I'm still flipping on our gas fireplace every day. 

So, all this to say, it doesn't surprise me that I'm still painting snow-dressed mountains.  This painting, Winter Cabin, is one of my latest works.  The outline of the mountains were created by carving away wet paint with the end of my paintbrush. To see more detailed pictures of the work, go here

Skyline is the second wood panel piece I completed this week.  I love using blues in my art, and, next to white, they're the first colors to be used up.  Even the cyan ink cartridge in my ink jet printer is replaced at twice the rate than the other colors.  Lately, I've been trying to branch out and use more reds, but I keep coming back to the calm and cool effects of blues. 

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