Luck of the Irish

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Additional photos taken for the Etsy interview.  Photos by the talented Anthony Georgis.
I feel lucky today for many reasons.  First, there's the Etsy feature.  I truly feel like I won Willy Wonka's golden ticket on this one! Thanks to all of you who left congratulatory notes.  I was extremely touched by all your comments, and I plan on sharing details of my incredible experience early next week.  

As many of you know, it's St. Patrick's Day.  This also happens to be the day my husband proposed to me 16 years ago! Seeing that we both have Irish in us, maybe we've just been lucky all these years together?

When we first got married, we talked about all the places we would love to visit one day.  High up on that list was Ireland.  Well, the long wait is over!  A dear friend of ours is getting married there this Fall, and we'll be part of the celebration.  My husband is officiating, and I'm actually a bridesmaid- a title I haven't had since the 90s.

As part of our travels, we're planning on heading over to Liverpool and Manchester for a few days.  I know I have some readers in England and Ireland.  So, if you have any great ideas on what to do and where to go, I'd love to hear it!

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