Quilting a duvet cover amongst other things

Monday, April 19, 2010

I have always loved Marimekko's Unessa fabric and have wanted it as a duvet cover.  Over the last few months, however, I have been collecting a number of other fabrics and decided to quilt a duvet cover instead. I started the new quilting project just this past weekend. Using muslin as a base for the quilted top, I started sewing thin strips of fabric onto the muslin.  The strips run vertically on the duvet cover, alternating from all black to patterned.   
The last time I made a queen size quilt was over ten years ago, so I forgot how much room was needed to work on it.  Right now, I have the top sprawled out in the middle of our family room, so I'm constantly shooing the cat off of it and reminding family members to look out for pins.  

I estimate that I'll need around 55 strips to complete the top, and considering each strip takes 45 minutes, I've got my work cut out for me.  I also haven't decided on the fabric for the duvet's back yet, but the Unessa is definitely on top of my list.  

Although I'll be busy the next few weeks with the quilt, I'm still dedicating time at my art desk working on sketches, playing around with my new printer, and enjoying the beautiful spring weather.  Here's a look at some of my other recent works.

left, clockwise: 
1.  Photo of a mill in the Columbia Gorge.  I'm thinking about adding it to my Etsy shop as part of a set.
2.  Sketching in my new Canal Paper sketchbookPastels blend beautifully on the paper.
3.  Drawing more trees and patterns
4.  Blossoming apple tree next to our house 

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