New sketchbook = more drawings

Friday, March 12, 2010

Pods, one of my new drawings this week

Columbia Art & Drafting Supply is a locally owned art store in Portland.  They have a great selection of sketchbooks, and many times a 2 for 1 deal.  I picked up a Pentalic 6" x 12" Nature Sketch (which is made here in town) that has quickly become my favorite.  It fits in my day bag, and I love the fact that I can draw with it on my lap.  I'm also very picky about paper quality.  And the Pentalic sketchbook is 130# paper, which is twice the thickness of sheets in typical sketchbooks.

Another selling point of the Pentalic Nature Sketch book series is the charitable factor.  A percentage of the sale of each Nature Sketch book goes to the American Wildlife Foundation, which is a local nonprofit organization dedicated to wildlife care and ecosystem conservation.  How great is that!

All of this goodness wrapped up in a little sketchbook has inspired me to draw more, and I'll take all the inspiration I can get!  Here are a few of my drawings in my new sketchbook.


Hot potato



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