Mindful Living

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

For the past five years I have been committed to living a more consumer-responsible life, and to be honest, it's been one of the hardest things I've done.  There are three questions that I ask myself when buying something.  How was it made?  Who made it? And, Do I really love it?  These questions touch on the issues of fair labor and sustainable practices.  And, having been a retailer of ethically made products the last three years, I can tell you that options for new, socially-responsible products are still very slim, especially when the budget is small.  So, in the last few years, I have made by hand a lot more things than I really wanted to and I have spent more time in resale and antique stores than boutiques and malls.  I have also learned to be more content and resourceful with the things that I already have. 

Photos from left to right:

1.  I needed a new make-up bag and ended up making one

2.  A felt tree skirt that I designed and made this past Christmas

3.  Our vintage danish couch that I found at Goodwill for $49

4.  My favorite bag.  It's recycled leather.

5.  Vintage Red Wing bowl I found at an antique store

6.  Recycled glass votive holder made by a local artisan in Seattle

7.  Instead of buying new patio furniture last summer, I sanded and refinished our table and chairs 

8.  I try to buy local art products as much as possible

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