New work- "Fiddleheads in the Woods"

Friday, December 11, 2009

As a child, my family (cousins and all) would take day trips to the mountains to pick fiddleheads. I can still recall the woodsy smell of our station wagon after coming back from our excursions. 

Fiddleheads are used in Korean cooking.  My grandparents used to lay all of the picked fiddleheads on the ground outside to dry.  Here is a picture of what they look like in a package.

photo source:

I realize they look more like dried worms, but they are tastier than they look!

This week, I created a new mixed media piece called Fiddleheads in the Woods. Normally I am inspired as I work.  So it wasn't until after I drew the graphite treeline silhouette and the patterned clouds that I decided to add ferns to the art work.

For more information on materials used in Fiddleheads in the Woods, you can check out my Etsy shop here.  And, as of today, I decided to close my Big Cartel gallery and just showcase all of my work on Etsy.  So now you can see all my current works in the nifty sidebar widget at top. 

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