Affordable Art Finds, Week Seven

Monday, December 21, 2009

We're in week seven of the eight week Affordable Art series.  I've had a lot of fun the last couple of months searching for original art work priced at $75 or less. Here are a few more pieces to add to the growing list.

1.  Sweet little birdies handmade by Stephanie Congdon Barnes ($65 each).  I wish I could say that they were available, but everything sells out in her shop at a speedy rate (like one hour!).  She should be uploading new products in a few weeks; updates on new collections are posted on her blog here


2.  I love little bowls, and I want to add this one to my collection.  Silkscreened and handdrawn by Megan Bogonovich ($20).

3.  I've always wanted to learn how to use wax in art.  Here are a couple of original encaustic pieces found on Etsy.

Original Encaustic- no 63., Michele Bosak, $70.

Liquid Skies, Ali Herrmann, $40.

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