Limited-edition linocut giveaway

Saturday, November 24, 2012

I nearly forgot that it is my Etsy shop's anniversary today!  I've been quite busy these past few weeks helping out with a church art project and spearheading the Holiday Market at my daughter's school. Oh, and did I mention we got a puppy?!  Pictures to come in the next post.

In all this craziness, I've managed to eek out some me-time at my art desk. . . sleep is over-rated, I say.  My latest creative output resulted in a batch of hand printed linocuts.  Printmaking was my focus in college, but it's been years since I've tackled a hand printing project.  My daughters watched me this time as I hand pulled the first lino print, and all the oohs and ahhs from the peanut gallery just added to the excitement. 

I used turquoise ink for the first few prints and then switched to a deeper blue (and oil-based) ink.  There are only three of the turquoise available, and I thought it would be fitting to give them away in celebration of my three year Etsy anniversary. 

If you'd like a chance to nab one of these limited-edition prints, just leave a comment below.  On Wednesday, November 28th, I'll randomly choose three winners and post the names here.  

I am also giving away these prints with every order in my Etsy shop.  You can check out the details here.

11/28: Congratulations to the three winners! David Thurston, Emmel Prutsemieke, and Emma-Lee

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