Gadgets for your iPhone

Thursday, July 21, 2011

I try not to get sucked into the tech-gadget vortex, but I'll admit it takes a lot of self-restraint.  Here are a few new favorites that are sure to excite any iPhone fanatic. 

The iPhone SLR mount is a case-adapter that allows you to mount a Canon or Nikon lens onto your iPhone. It's crazy, brilliant, and I want it!  I can see this gadget being a sure-fire hit with avid iphoneographers who want more control of depth of field in their images. 

The cdock by local Portland design team Hatchet Goods is a sleek and modern looking case that displays your iPhone while charging it.  The desktop accessory can showcase your phone as a clock, a picture frame, or even a mini TV screen.  I love it when function meets great design!

So, this next gadget doesn't really have much to do with home design or photography, but it does make me feel like I'm in a spy movie [and I like spy movies].  Lockitron is a device that allows you to control the lock on your door with your smartphone.  And best of all, you can text the code to friends and family so that they can check on the family pet while you're away.

The olloclip is a lens that you can mount on your iPhone in seconds.  Sounds easy to use and portable- two things I love about modern gizmos.   You can choose from three effects- fisheye, wide-angle and macro. 

The cost of these gadgets range from $55 - $295, and, like many new iPhone accessories, they are exclusive to the iPhone 4G.  Seeing that I still have an iPhone 3G, I'll just have to admire these tech wares from a distance . . . at least for now.   

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