New work, "Sierra Basin"

Friday, December 31, 2010

My latest mixed media work is called Sierra Basin.  It's the third piece that I've deconstructed in the last couple of weeks.  You can read more about the process in this post

Scraping away the initial layers of oil paint was a little tedious, but I really liked how it exposed all the different colors I used.

I have one more smaller piece that I'm working on in this manner.  Once I finish it this weekend, my plan is to tackle the large wood panel painting that's been sitting on my easel for months. 

Today, my art is being featured on the art blog, The FlopslumpChris and I connected through Etsy, and it's great to meet another artist who is not only passionate about his own work but the art of others as well.  While you browse his shop on Etsy, you should also check out my latest treasury.  Christmas has passed, but I still have a long wish list! 

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