My Week

Saturday, September 11, 2010

found grandma's pink doily in my memory box and now it's hanging on the wall
created a few paintings on black paper.  this one with six feathers i decided to keep . . . for now
fabric that my dear friend brought back from Uganda.  i feel loved
finally having time to hang some of my art on the wall, even if it's temporary

i'm thrilled about my new estate finds: metal boxes (at a buck apiece)
 one of them is full of aged note cards. i'm brainstorming ways that i can reuse them
the notes (some typed and some handwritten) are all related to trees and plants
my thought is to hand print my designs over the text
a couple of my ideas so far: shipping tags, mini zines . . . any thoughts?

new to my Etsy shop: Summer Thunderstorm 
mixed media on 4" x 4" birch panel

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