Testing out a new vintage camera and a maple bacon doughnut

Monday, January 18, 2010

I mentioned in Saturday's post that it's been raining a lot in Portland.  I normally don't mind the rain here, but it does become a hindrance when I want to take some pictures outdoors.  A drizzle I can handle, but a downpour is just no fun.

Earlier this month I got a vintage twin lens reflex camera, and I've been chomping at the bit to try it out.  This morning there was a glorious break in the weather, so I grabbed my new old camera and headed downtown.

Since there wasn't school today, my entire family tagged along, and we ended up stopping at Voodoo Doughnut first.  We had heard a lot about this place from other Portlanders, so we thought we'd finally try it out.  Normally I like cake doughnuts, but I had to go for the fan favorite- the maple bacon bar.  It was pretty darn good, but I have to say that the warm cinnamon doughnuts from Lee Farms are hard to beat. 

Now that I was all sugared up,  I was ready to snap some pictures.   Relying on the Sunny 16 Rule, I shot most of the black and white film at f5.6 and f8.  I was anxious to see the results, so I dropped the film off at a local photo lab.  Just a few hours later, voilá!

It's so good to be shooting with film again; I love it!  Now to get my darkroom up and running!

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