Busy as a bee

Friday, November 20, 2009

I've been working on multiple projects this week.  Here are just a few things that have been keeping me busy the last few days:

1.  Creating more art- yeah!  Here are two new pieces I added to my online gallery:

I actually have two more mixed media pieces almost done; just trying to track down the typewriter for one last detail! 

2. Closing down Olio United's webshop, which is why things like a typewriter have been misplaced or boxed up.  My business partner and I have been fulfilling and shipping some of our last orders.  Although our shop page will be taken down in a couple of weeks, we're looking forward to connecting with followers through our new blog on sustainable living.  Will post more about this soon.

3.  Started a DVD project for a wonderful montessori school in my neighborhood.  I recently finished taking portraits of all 25 kids.  Phew- that was a task!  But, so fun to be around little ones.

4.  Crocheting like a fiend.  About half way done with a baby blanket I'm making for a friend.  Up next- a kids hammock!

I want to also remind readers to enter the new art giveaway this month.  You get to choose the prize! All you have to do is comment here.

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