New work

Monday, June 13, 2011

Tomorrow is the last day of school, so it means a change in routine.  I relish my alone creative time during the day, but I am looking forward to spending the summer days with the girls.  We are planning a few short getaways to some favorite Oregon spots, Crater Lake included.  So I'll be posting more scenic photos the next couple of months. 

This is my last week to finish original works for my July show at Portland's Tilde.  I recently finished the four pieces above and have a few more to go.  It is kinda surprising to see how different the works are from one another, but I am really happy with how each one turned out.  You can see my latest wood panel paintings at Tilde starting July 1.  There is an artist reception on Friday, July 1st from 6 - 9p.  I hope to see some of you there!

. . . for those who live outside of Portland, I am still uploading new pieces into my Etsy shop each week.  White stag in the woods is my newest addition.  If you'd like to get the most recent product updates in my Etsy shop, you can subscribe to the shop's feed.  Just scroll to the bottom of the sidebar here and click on "subscribe to feed."

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