Coming up for air

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

October was quite the busy month regarding my photography and art.  And, on top of all that, I battled an ugly cold for a few weeks.  As of yesterday, things seem to be calming down a bit, and I finally feel more like myself again. 

For the past few weeks, I have been working on some original pieces for an art show that I am part of next month (more on this in a couple of days).  I was finally able to finish and frame my second embroidery piece which will be in the show.  Since I have several new works to reveal- some for the show and some for my Esty shop- I thought I'd spend the next few days talking about the individual pieces and my creative experience.

The latest addition to my Esty shop is called Autumn.  I tend to be hyper-detailed when working in pen and marker, so I wanted to create a piece that was more minimal in design.  As I began drawing the wave design of the river, asian art and patterns came to mind.  Some of my favorite asian works are traditional brush landscape paintings.  I love the use of empty space and repeating elements in these paintings, and you can see in some of my pieces how I draw on these key features for inspiration. 

Check back tomorrow to find out whose art work has inspired me for 20 years.  

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