Artist Interview: Esti of Pintameldia

Monday, October 18, 2010

Spanish artist Esti Hernández de Miguel is the talented illustrator behind Pintameldia.  I came across her captivating "ghost" images earlier this year and became an instant fan (that's Esti with "good morning" on her lips).  I was reconnected with Etsi's art recently when she won Habit of Art's big birthday giveaway.  I was so smitten by her latest work, I just had to ask for an interview.  

How would you describe your work?

I’m not sure. It’s definitely feminine, calm and intuitive. I just do what I can. My work is best defined by my own boundaries and my will to learn, to evolve and to discover new paths and techniques.

What inspires you to create?

Everything, really. Especially dreams, music and music lyrics. Sometimes I get images from a conversation, ideas from my kids’ words or colors from a subway poster. Photography is a great source for me, too. If I am having a rough moment drawing, I might read a book or a comic and let the images flow in my mind.

What artist tool or material do you love using at this moment?

Eraser. Well, it might not be what I love using the most, but I have definitely learned to restart from the beginning if I don’t like where a piece is taking me. Apart from that, I love my black ink pens, my piles of stones and papers, and some textiles. I keep telling myself that I should go more digital, but I am pretty faithful to pencils and pens.

Esti collecting stones at a nearby beach.

What accomplishments are you most proud of?

My family, of course. Also, I am happy to live where I live, surrounded by people that I care about and that care for me. I am happy to have the chance to live doing what I most love. Considering I am a self-taught artist, I am proud of all the things I have learned from scratch. And I am proud of looking back over my shoulder only to see the way I’ve walked up to now.  Of course, I’d be most proud of communicating something through my art.

A couple of Esti's latest projects- a 2011 calendar and character illustrations for a children's book.

What are the greatest challenges of being an artist today?

First of all, making a living. Secondly, managing the time. And lastly, changing the general idea that art is a hobby for young people. Art shouldn’t be thought of as a selfish or lazy option but a work. It improves people’s lives, whether it’s music, literature, filmmaking, plastic art … Many people think that it comes to you naturally and it’s effortless, when it’s quite the opposite. Even if you enjoy making art, it takes time, effort, energy and resources, just like any other job. I don’t know how it is in other countries, but around here people think of art only if it’s something big to see in a museum. “Small art" goes completely unnoticed, even if it’s in the everyday. Thanks to the internet, any artist can reach the audience interested in “small art."

If you could change one thing about your art space, what would it be?

For one thing, I would like to have a studio where I could store my piles of stuff. It’s hard to keep things tidy at home when you have two kids trying to imitate you and use your art materials. My art space is right now very limited.

Amazing hand drawn rocks by Esti.

Apart from art, what else do you love to do?

For twenty years I have been involved in the music industry one way or the other, although I am not a musician. But I love music and I love playing records when I’m home. I also love the beach, walking on the sand and watching the waves. And I am lucky to live very close to the seafront. I like taking pictures, writing, traveling, reading, comics and red licorice. Above all, I like having some tender mom moments.

To see more of Esti's beautiful work, check out her website here and her new Etsy shop here.  Thanks Esti for such a lovely interview! 

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