Show and Tell: Antique shopping at the beach

Saturday, May 1, 2010

I find that it's harder to snatch up great finds in antique malls in Portland, seeing that anything retro is all the rage here.  So one of my favorite places to shop for vintage items is the coast, particularly Lincoln City.  It seems like whenever I'm in this small coastal town, I'm able to pick up an item or two that I absolutely love.  This weekend, I came away with a small hoard of items, and all for under $50. 

hand-molded ceramic dish found amongst random children toys and mismatched dishware
i'm crazy about the patterned tree design on the lid and side of the bowl  
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a cast iron sauce pan with lid that I've been coveting since the last time I was in Lincoln City
kitchen ware like this makes me want to cook more
i'm thinking chocolate sauce with pound cake right now, mmm
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couldn't resist this gravy boat
it's the diamonds

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