from fish spa to shopping, more on ireland

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Rural Ireland through a camera
viewfinder is like looking at a painting.  You can't help but marvel at
the timeless beauty and feel like you're in an epic movie (cue the
Shire music from Lord of the Rings).  Beautiful, sweeping landscapes are
expected, as shown in my previous post on Ireland.  So, today,  I thought I'd talk more about the unexpected things about this country. . . like fish spas.

Fish spas are what I would
expect in Japan, not in Galway, Ireland.  The idea behind a fish spa is
that your feet are exfoliated by small fish feeding on dead skin.  I
hadn't heard of fish spas before my friend, who was getting married,
scheduled a session for the bridesmaids.  The description of the
treatment is not enticing at all, but, admittedly,  I was intrigued.

For some reason, I was picturing an outdoor hot springs, but the fish place was in the local mall.  We signed up for a 15 minute session, each of us having our own tank of flesh eating fish.  And, you can choose between smaller or bigger fish- we all opted for the bigger. 

I guess it's supposed to feel like a tickling or
bubbly sensation.  Seeing that my friends were nearly screaming the
entire time, I don't think that was the case.  I didn't find it painful
at all, but I also wouldn't say it was the most relaxing thing I've ever
done.  Honestly, I'll stick with eating little fish than having it the
other way. 

The next day, we continued with our feet-pampering bonding time with pedicures.  The last time I got a pedicure was two years ago,
so I forgot to bring flip flops to wear afterwards.  My dear husband
offered to pick up a pair, and he came back with something that reminded
me of my Korean grandmother.  Yes, that is a bow on top.   I never thought that I would be eating bangers and mash in fabric flip flops. 

The most precarious part of
our trip was renting a car.  We read a lot online and talked with
insurance agents about the steep rental costs in Ireland (due to the
extra coverage that is recommended).  After seeing signs like this all
over Ireland, we now get it.  And I'm happy to report that we managed to
keep our car out of the water!

Kellys, a boutique hotel located in the heart of Dublin

I try to support local
businesses as much as possible.  And with Ireland's current economical
hardship, I wanted to buy a few gifts that were exclusively made in
Ireland.  I thought for sure that the little towns in Ireland would have
plenty of craft and antique shops to keep me entertained, but,
surprisingly, this kind of shopping was few and far between.  It wasn't
until we arrived in Dublin when we stumbled upon a couple of amazing
local shops.  Designist, located just a few doors down from our hotel,
carries a wide range of contemporary and affordable home products made
in Ireland and the UK.  And, just a short walk away, is the Irish Design Shop, which focuses solely on Irish designers and artists. 

One thing I was hoping to
bring back was yarn made in Ireland, a request by my eldest daughter.  I
found a number of shops that carried knit items, like the classic cable
knit sweaters, but I had the hardest time finding skeins of yarn.  In Dublin, I finally was able to locate a local yarn shop. 
But then I learned the most unexpected thing about Ireland- all their
fleece is imported from New Zealand and South America!  I guess the sheep in Ireland don't have the right kind of fleece for harvesting.  But, there are so many sheep here, I stated to the store attendant.  Just for food, she replied.


Even after having my feet
nibbled by little fish, driving on country roads with blind corners, and
eating various versions of pork (just in breakfast alone),  I
discovered that Ireland is very much like home.  And this has as much to
do with its people as its scenic backdrop.  The Irish are friendly and
down-to-earth, a description that is often times used for Portlanders.  We've already been invited back by some folks, and with much confidence, I can say that we'll be back one day. 

Anniversary Giveaway

Friday, September 23, 2011

With jet lag and all, I nearly forgot that today is Habit of Art's two
year anniversary!  To celebrate (cause two blog years is like 27 human
years), we must have a giveaway.  How about a sampling of my latest
stationery goods?  The giveaway package will include my new cards, two Elevation and Cascade notecards, five Portland notecards, and some stickers.

Just leave a comment below, and a winner will be randomly chosen on Wednesday, September 28 at noon.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

I'm touched by all the wonderful comments!  Thanks for all your support the past two years.  It means so much to me. 

The winner of the stationary giveaway is Brittan! 


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Cliffs of Moher


Kells Priory

Ireland is everything I imagined and more.  The landscape boasts of rolling hills, green fields, and rocky cliffs, and we have been greeted only by the friendliest of folks.  For nine days, we traveled from one coastline to the next, covering hundreds of miles of beautiful scenery.  The lush, green countryside is actually not all that different from Oregon's Willamette Valley.  The grazing livestock in open fields is a familiar sight.  What sets the two places apart is the ancient Irish stonework that dots the land.  The stone ruins from ages past is a reminder of Ireland's longstanding history.  


We explored a number of towns in Ireland, from the urban scene of Dublin to the tiny coastal town of Doolin.  Big or small, the towns in Ireland are full of charm.  The streets are lined in cobblestone, waterways cut through the center of town, and the pub night scene is full of cheer [and beer!].

The first half of our trip was spent in the lovely town of Galway, located on the western coast of Ireland.  Our dear friend was marrying a local Irishman, and both my husband and I were part of the wedding ceremony.  

St. Nicholas in Galway

The ceremony was held in a medieval church built 700 years ago.  The groomsmen were dressed in tails and many of the ladies in attendance donned hats.  I asked to be called Pippa for the day.   

A wedding is a wonderful and intimate way to experience a culture, and I’m thankful that I was a part of such a special celebration.  The ceremony started at one in the afternoon, but Irish weddings continue through the wee hours of the morning.  I managed to stay up for the fish and chips served at midnight.  Nothing like eating fried food in the middle of the night in a fitted bridesmaid dress and heels!

A trip to Ireland wouldn't be complete without a traditional Irish breakfast.  Park of our b/b experience in Doolin

For two days of our trip, we stayed in a modern cabin referred to as a hermitage.  It is perched on a remote hillside, along with two other hermitages, overlooking the beautiful grounds of the Glencomeragh House.  It was the perfect home base as we traveled to nearby towns.  

The hermitages are outfitted with kitchenettes, so we dined in for a few meals.  With yummy cheese, salami, tomato, and baguette, it was as if we were on an extended picnic date.   

Below the hermitages, at the base of the hill, is a labyrinth.  A labyrinth is a circular path that you walk during meditation and prayer.  You start at one end of the path, and it eventually leads you to the center of the circle.  Posted next to the labyrinth is this stirring excerpt from Thomas Merton's Thoughts in solitude. 

My Lord God, I have no idea where I am going. 

I do not see the road ahead of me.

I cannot know for certain where it will end.

Nor do I really know myself,

And the fact that I think I am following your will

Does not mean that I am actually doing so.

But I believe that the desire to please you

Does in fact please you.

And I hope that I will never do anything apart from that desire.

I know that if I do this you will lead me by the right road,

Though I may know nothing about it. 

Therefore, I will trust you always

Though I may seem to be lost and in the shadow of death.

I will fear not, for you are with me,

And you will never leave me to face my perils alone.

[all images by me]

Being back in Portland not even a day, our trip to Ireland already feels like a dream.  It was truly a magical time, and we eagerly look forward to returning to the Emerald Isle.

. . . next time, I'll remember to bring a waterproof windbreaker.

So you want to start a blog

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Thanks to an ever growing
high tech world, thousands of new blogs are born each day.  Most of
these blogs, however, fall by the wayside within months.  Seeing that
Habit of Art is turning two this month (and this being my fourth year
blogging), I thought it only appropriate to share a few words on the
topic. Over the last few months, I’ve had several inquiries from folks
particularly interested in starting their own blog.  The start up stage
of a blog is always an exciting time, but it can also be fraught with
confusion and frustration.  Before you jump into blogging, here are some
questions to consider first.

1. What’s the point?  If you can’t articulate the
purpose of your blog in one or two concise sentences, then you’ll need
to go back to the drawing board!  Some folks start a blog because they
feel like they should, or they are intrigued with the idea.  But if the
passion isn't there, it's going to show.  A good gauge of your interest
level is your running list of post ideas.  Can you easily jot down a few
dozen things to talk about in one short sitting?   Habit of Art was born out of my passion to share art with others,
something I had been doing in my prior careers as a teacher and shop
owner.  Even after over 400 blog posts, I feel that I have only scratched the surface. 

2. Can you write?  You don’t have to be an award winning
author to be a blogger, but good grammar and solid syntax helps form
your credibility.  Take time to edit your posts, and consult Strunk
& White’s The Elements of Style (my first book in college) from time to time.  Remember, posting on the internet is like writing in ink. It’s permanent!

3. Are you committed?  Blogging takes commitment.  And, to
be completely frank, many of us have commitment issues.  A blog takes
at least 6 - 12 months of consistent posts to start acquiring some kind
of a readership base.  I tell new bloggers that they shouldn’t even
bother starting a blog if they are not in it for at least a year.  For
some reason, many new bloggers assume that readers will start flocking
to their sites after a few posts.  But building an audience takes

4.  What the heck is html?  If you’re not
familiar with computer lingo, then expect a high learning curve when
starting your blog.  Even though blog platforms have become so much more
user-friendly, it still takes some technical know-how to navigate the
back end of a blog.  Just importing a photograph into a post, for
example, can be a difficult task.  So be prepared to spend countless
hours searching forums and help guides when setting up your blog.  And
while you're at it, do some homework on feeds, domain names, and

If after all of this, you're still jazzed to start your own blog, then great!  Sounds like you've
done your research and now just need a little push.  Writing that first
post can always seem intimidating.  You think that millions of people
will read your post after clicking the "publish" button.  The reality
is, it's more like your mom and best friend, and only because you gave
them the link.  Don't get stuck on having a perfect first post, or the
right header design, or whether or not you want your profile on the
right or left side of the page.  Just write, and everything else will
eventually fall into place. 

my week

Monday, September 5, 2011

my husband and i spent a quiet evening [ie without kids] at st. jack

the pate was my favorite and the madeleines were so heavenly

whenever i need an article of clothing

i go to a lady named ginny who has the most amazing
barbie collection [100 plus and counting]

i brought the girls with me this time around- you can only imagine their faces

enjoyed one of the last days of summer break as a family wading at opal creek

wedding mania:

i worked on my first wedding invitation design

and i'll be heading to ireland soon for a friend's wedding!